"Dude, I got my keys!"
“true self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake,
it is making the choice to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from”
Brianna Weist
I wanted to puke.
I remember seeing the NYT front page…a tiny coffin lifted high amid flags and signs, a river of red-faced rage. As a result I am cautious and fearful to share stories. I tell my friends I refuse to use them as a means for showing our “success” to gain funding. It is a very real thing in ministry that folks don’t choose to admit…. tell me a story…
That being said, I want to brag on a friend because he has no family who will.
I got a text last night… “I got my keys, I gotta move out by Friday!”.
He has been trying to move out of his Section 8 apartment for months as it failed the last state inspection and it’s above a “restaurant” that serves edibles and they smoke so much weed in the back that it floods his apartment. That’s no good for a guy with 13 years clean from heroin… it’s legal, but harmful…
He started with us years ago when he was in a warming shelter, a massive step up from abandoned buildings, stairwells, wherever. We didn’t help him find his housing. He is prideful and hard-headed and has a hard time asking for help. He is also very resourceful… addicts and homeless learn that…and he is just brilliant.
He found a place, hard to do for many with limited internet, computer skills, and transportation to see places (how can you keep appointments while using only busses?).
My wife had bubble wrap and moving paper left from her parents house after her dad died so I went over to help him pack up but when I got there he asked if I could take him to Home Depot to replace the bulb in his stove so his “difficult” manager at his place would have nothing to say against him.
“Hey look, I got my keys, you wanna see my new place?”
I can’t tell you who had more pride looking at it. Clean, that’s the word he kept using…
So we stood in the middle of his clean new front room, bowed our heads, and prayed a house blessing and cleansing together. Then we embraced as we always do, smiling ear-to-ear, and told each other our mutual love.
A white guy who grew up in a dysfunctional suburban home and a Puerto Rican guy who grew up in a dysfunctional inner city home…alcoholic…heroin… saved, redeemed, healed by Jesus.
“you know, when I first started hanging around church I was in the warming shelter. You welcomed me in with love and treated me so good. Now, man…”
Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you,
for the glory of God.
Romans 15:7
Last Week’s Update…stay connected!
Hi family (from Bryan)
Served: ~50
Last week's leaders: Joy, Curtis
Next week's leaders: TBD
Next week's preacher: TBD
Last week's: socks
Next week's: hats and gloves
Looking Ahead
…we could use some hands to sign up and help with food
Phew! The last two weeks have been crazy! The Christmas party had 100 friends file through feasting on all sorts of food and gifts. It was like the kids all came back!
Last weekend Joy and Curtis led. The numbers were lower since state checks had just come, but as always ways the Spirit moved through the house. See you this weekend!
Community Church updates!
I took last week off to be with my family. If I hadn’t my friends at the community churches would have kicked me out and sent me home!
The Brookdale Community Church
The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale
The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale/Chatfield
The Farmington Station Community Church
The Gables Community Church
The River Ridge Community Church
The West Hartford Health and Rehab Community Church
Help Us Load Up @ 10am 164 South Street in West Hartford
visit our website thestreetchurch.org to learn more
or feel free to contact us at
Street Church Administrator & Volunteer Coordinator
(860) 578-2961 TEXT ONLY