The Street Church

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Bringing Street Church away from the street

Oh pastor, thank you! I have the

bumps of a goose!

Our beloved Maria, “mommy”, suffered a heart attack last week and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. She had a stint put in and is doing well. I heard about all of this through another Street Church family member so I stopped over to pray and bring her communion.

That’s a normal thing to do if she were a Catholic, but she is not. Mommy worships in a Spanish Pentecostal Church in addition to being with us almost every Saturday.

I happen to know how much communion means to her and I love that piece of her heart for Jesus. She and I are unified at the Table of Jesus. That’s what it was designed to do. Unfortunately mankind has made it a two table banquet…..your’s and our’s…

 God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son,

Jesus Christ our Lord.

1 Corinthians 1:9

It’s all about the Table of God’s Presence.

It is here where we live out the prayer of Jesus as we unite with Him and with each other to be one. It is here where we lay aside everything but the basis of our faith and proclaim as a family that we are grounded in the faith that proclaims that Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again.

We say “come to the foot of the Cross” so often in church…Jesus says come to me…

So me and mommy shared the family meal in her lovely home together, a Pentecostal woman from Puerto Rico and a Anglo-Baptist from West Hartford (not WeHa)..

…and all of Heaven somehow joined us, and we were covered in the skin of a goose and filled with the Presence of God.

Love to you all family!


Last Week’s Update…stay connected!

Numbers and stuff

Served: ~80

Leaders: Kenny and Jody

Preacher: Kenny


  • Last week: socks, ponchos

  • Next week's: underwear

Looking Ahead Prayer Requests

  • Cynthia is preaching at Street Church tomorrow.

  • Julia is in Kenya.

  • New Life was a blast

Street Church Worship

A great day downtown. Joy got us off to a great start by bringing 100 PACKED lunches to the unit; her and Sean made all of the sandwiches, bought all of the chips, fruit, drinks, cookies, bars, and packed them all at home. Seriously, they are the best. Then they left to go help with the Day of Hope event. Being around people who are on fire to serve Jesus is incredibly encouraging, inspiring and humbling. Tim helped me load up the van for the 2nd straight week - a new van that had never been driven! It felt like a spaceship. That was probably the best part of the day haha. 

We had a small group downtown to start; it was Jody, Jonna, Tim and I. Slowly other folks came by. We set up in the shade because it was hot. Chris was there, and it was so good to see him. He's sleeping on the steps of the church across from the Wads, and he has a meeting at 10a on Tuesday to hopefully get into a shelter. Please pray for him in that. 

A few more folks came by to help out, and we had a great service. I gave a message on Romas 8:26-39 (which was one of the readings) about how God is for you. People were listening and seemed attentive. We had a lovely time of prayer - another regular named Chris came up to me and sought prayer for understanding and forgiveness in his own heart. I respected that level of maturity and humility. 

We handed out all of the lunches and people were appreciative for the socks and ponchos. We had lunch and did a quick pack-up as we noticed the rain coming.





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Help Us Load Up @ 10am 164 South Street in West Hartford

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