"I Wanna Get Saved"
Scripture reassures us,
“No one who trusts God like this—heart and soul—will ever regret it.”
It’s exactly the same no matter what a person’s religious background may be:
the same God for all of us, acting the same incredibly generous way
to everyone who calls out for help.
“Everyone who calls, ‘Help, God!’ gets help.”
Romans 10:11-13 Message Translation
There are many “if there is one thing” things we have learned from our time in the Street Church Community… One of them is simply to be faithful and trust the Lord with the outcome. That sounds easy but it’s not, especially for, well, everyone on the planet. This past weekend was a perfect case. We simply trusted and showed up and it was cold, but the Gospel will always defy human logic.
I shared about living life after salvation, and a dude came up while we were starting communion and through his gold grille (teeth that is) simply looked at me and said “I wanna get saved”. So we prayed, then I called over Curtis and Chino and Curtis poured some bottled water on his head and prayed him into the Kingdom. Chino said it best… “oh, wow”
…. I later learned one of our new brother’s sons had been shot down the street that week, the bullet missing his life by millimeters and another of his boys was off to start his bid (prison sentence) that very morning…
The service went on, as as we were serving lunch a woman I had known for years whom I hadn’t seen in some time came walking down the street looking so good I freaked out because I knew…
I asked her where she had been and in her colorful way explained about her multiple overdoses on Fentanyl the last of which the paramedics found her dead, clutching three bags still in her hand… “man, I went away and got clean!”
I asked her about Jesus and she replied “oh shit, I am all about Jesus! Look, I got Joel Olsteen right here! Every time I’m in a hard spot I full this guy up and I swear he’s f*cking talking to me!” None of us could tell her Joel doesn’t get it all right…we all felt like the town’s people who were staring at healed cripple or the blind man who had been given his sight…
Who am I to argue theology with a recovered fentanyl addict?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Last Week’s Update…stay connected!
Hi family (from Bryan)
Served: ~60
Last week's leaders: Bryan, Chino, Curtis
Next week's leaders: Kenny
Next week's preacher: Kenny
Last week's: Hats and gloves
Next week's: hygine
Looking Ahead
…we could use some hands to sign up and help with food
It started out a little hectic as I found myself packing lunches and the van solo. Still, I was grateful to have a strong body to lift and calm mind to keep on task. When I got down there I was hit with crazy cramps and hand to run home for meds…I made it back.
We had Curtis and Chino helping lead, along with Liz and a couple whom had joined us one before a few weeks back. They returned because the husband had asked his wife what she wanted to do celebrate her birthday and she replied “let’s go serve at Street Church!”
Cold days lower the numbers but those who come do so out of love of Jesus. I know many volunteers may find it uncomfortable, but it is our willingness to be with our unsheltered friends that has grown our community in depth. You will be blessed and you will be ok.
We had a baptism as I had shared above as well as Annetta showing up clean and beautiful. After the service another new friend came up to me and asked if I could help him. I had shared during the message about our willingness to come alongside those with substance abuse problems. With we eyes he spoke about his battles and I pointed over to Chino…. “see that guy, go talk to him. He has 13 years clean”… So he did and Chino pulled him aside. What most of you don’t know is that aside from being a former opioid addict, years in prison and being homeless, Chino has set up and run numerous Narcotics Anonymous groups. He has a real gift, and he shared that to the point of both of them in tears, embracing on the front steps of CIty Hall.
Deb Serra ran the lunch table along with the new friends, Chino and Curtis gave out hats, and Liz was the coffee lady. It all just worked perfectly.
That is what it is always like when the City of God invades the CIty of Men.
Community Church updates!
We had three Community Church Services since the last email; Bookdale-Chatfield, Claire Bridge, and River Ridge Community Churches.
Brookdale-Chatfield was a praise and worship fun-fest as we sang song-after-song from deep places then shared the Word and Table.
Clairbridge was a special treat for me as one of my friends who has not spoken much or been able to sit still with us lifted up her voice to worship Jesus whom she knows and loves so well. She is Jamaican and has such an Auntie-Way of praying that makes you want to sit still forever.
River RIdge was a full house with old friends and many new residents but the Spirit works in every one who is there. As we were packing up, a staff member shared with Elieen Finn who serves with me that just that day she was asking God for a sign. She had left the faith… “but today, it’s my first time here, and God clearly called me back home”…
To God be the glory.
The Brookdale Community Church
The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale
The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale/Chatfield
The Farmington Station Community Church
The Gables Community Church
The River Ridge Community Church
The West Hartford Health and Rehab Community Church