The Street Church was birthed from a question I was asked in an upstairs room of an old church in the heart of Pittsburgh, PA;

What would it look like if heaven moved into your neighborhood?

Well, the orphans in nursing homes would be cared for.

The naked would be clothed, the hungry fed, the outcasts would be welcomed in and the churches would dwell in unity under the Name of Jesus.

Racial and economic barriers would be wiped away and the Lamb of God would be the center of our lives. Mercy, justice and and peace would light Hartford on Fire.

…and Jesus would be famous

My wife and I went all in and formed The Street Church. Since then we have been joined by an family of others to care for the sheep of The Lord’s Pasture who are found outside the walls of the church by building churches without barriers right where they are found..the widows in nursing homes and the outcasts on the street. Come and see.

We believe every human that ever was, or is, or is to come bears the Image of God and deserves to be treated as such.

But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
— Luke 14:13-14 Message Translation

Guidelines for those who have signed up to join us

  • We are a church who happens to feed the hungry and cloth the naked after the service. We are not an outreach, a ministry, or mission. We are a church that looks and acts like the church in Jesus’ day.

  • We meet in front of Hartford City Hall, at 11:30 am. There is parking available on the street (during weekends there are no parking fees).  

  • Every person you will meet is an image-bearer of God. . Everyone has a story. 

  • The greatest gift you are bringing is yourself and your time.

  • We meet in all weather. You may be hot or cold or wet. Be prepared.

  • Names are important, they make us human.

  • We offer the dignigty of choice, and saying “no”

  • pray, pray, and pray some more while you are there.

  • meet new friends!

  • trust what we ask

  • Families and youth are welcomed and encouraged. 

  • If you would like to find out more about Saturday food donations please visit our Meals SignUpGenius link.