The Street Church

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Joy's Powerful Testimony

“It was amazing to see the Holy Spirit move like that and to see [his] heart was pierced…”

“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled and had no formal training, but were ordinary men, they were astonished and took note that these men had been with Jesus.”

Acts 4:13

We love Joy. She is such a gift to Street Church, as well as her son. They came along with us after her brother tragically died from smoking weed that had been laced with Fentanyl. But as God alone can do, he turned this bad into good.

Joy loves three things, or four if you count fishing. They are in this order;

  1. Jesus

  2. Her son

  3. Loving people

Joy homeschooled her son for many years, all while working full time doing what she had to do. She is a professional truck driver and runs delivery routes, and last year did so while having and recuperating from multiple surgeries.

She speaks with the authority of the woman who built a fire with her last wood and baked a cake with her last flour because she sets out her best, day in and day our for the Lord and for others… to the point that I am constantly asking her to rest!

She is weak, and the Lord is her strength alone. By the power of The Holy Spirit, she is keeping on and advancing the Kingdom.

Joy is atypical of most any preacher in any church….except the ones the disciples planted.

Last Week’s Update…stay connected!


As we have mentioned earlier, Kenny Legan stepped in to the role of Admin for us and will remain. We are very grateful to Panda and her love and service with and for the Street Church. Please address your correspondence with Street Church Administration to “Kenny Legan”, or if you are bold, “K-Dawg-slamma-jamma”…but not really, just Kenny. Tnx


Numbers and stuff

Served: ~80

Leaders:  Jody, Cynthia

Preacher: Joy


  • socks

  • Underwear

Looking Ahead Prayer Requests/praises

  • Pray for Bryan preaching at The Brookdale-Chatfield Community Church on Thursday.

  • Pray for Bryan preaching Saturday and for the family serving

  • Pray for  continued monthly support. Every little bit helps.

  • PRAISE! Sean had an AWESOME start to school!

Street Church Worship

(from Jody and Cynthia)

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed this Labor Day weekend. This note is from Jody ". What a day downtown today! Curtis and Joy did a beautiful service-look at what Joy brought (her poster to help the visual learners) ! Elizabeth (one of our dear church family and homeless) is 3 days away from her delivery due date and she & Armando left on a train today. (His recent baptism is the lower right in the picture.

Armando was very tearful. He said as hard as they tried, no matter what they did or how much money they contributed to the household they were renting a room from it was never enough and they remain homeless. Elizabeth said (where they are going)  they will get more support. They had all of their belongings with them. It was so great to see them, I was so glad to be here with them today.

Joy made pound cake with berries and whipped cream for everybody that’s 100 servings). She preached a powerful message on the distractions that get in-between us and Jesus, they pulled back her poster to reveal the communion table that had been set..she was trying to make room! The Holy Spirit preached for her.

We were approached by different people came up to me wanting to join in with what we are doing. People are always drawn by Jesus. We will follow-up, we are careful who we allow to help because there are many religious groups in Hartford. Cynthia did a great job leading. I love how God moves. We are so thankful  for this beautiful church. Have a nice weekend, everyone.

In His service,

Jody .

Community Church updates!

Nothing to add we had no services this week.

The Brookdale Community Church

The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale

The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale/Chatfield

The Farmington Station Community Church

The Gables Community Church

The River Ridge Community Church

The West Hartford Health and Rehab Community Church




Help Us Load Up @ 10am 164 South Street in West Hartford

visit our website to learn more

or feel free to contact us at

Street Church Administrator & Volunteer Coordinator
(860) 578-2961 TEXT ONLY