I lie on my cot at night, and before I fall asleep I think about what I said and thought and to who.
I”m amazed at times of the things that came out of me! ME!
I ask God to show me where I messed up and ask for forgiveness
My friend shared these words with me as I was dropping him off at a warming shelter to spend yet another night there while he waits for an apartment to become available to him. I was taken back by his wording and had to repent that I was surprised that the Holy Spirit would gift this former addict and gang member the desire and verbiage to discuss the Ignatius practice of the Self-Examen.
We can profess all we want until the cows come home that we believe God can and does interact with, and speak through and to every condition of people. Yet, until that person is ridding shotgun in your truck, you really aren’t going to believe it…
Each night he lies on a cot in a room he is sharing with active crack addict. He closes his eyes to the ugly, and stops his ears to the lies and on a borrowed pillow enters into a deep and peaceful communion with the Lord God and asks him some simple and profound questions.
Those of us in recovery recognize that this is taking an assessment of our day and making amends with it, but for me and my friend it is more than that… God is meeting him in the Here and Now for There and Not Yet.
I am seeing a physical and emotional change in him, and it is transforming me too.