Handing Out Flowers In A War Zone

“Thank you for coming”, they said. “We have not seen any outsiders since the war started. Everyone is afraid to come”

Bryan is full-on into his latest journey in the Ukraine. Here’s a few updates from him over the past few days. For the latest updates, follow him on his Facebook page. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

We had a concert a presentation tonight. There was an alter call with over twenty coming forward, an hour of prayer ministry, food distribution, and then tactical first aid training focusing on stopping major bleeding.

Afterwards, we stopped and picked up supplies for care packages to distribute to IDP’s (internally displaced peoples) in Berdychiv. As we were discussing what to pack, I suggested feminine hygiene products from understanding the homeless folks…who are IDP’s.

“Thank you for coming”, they said. “We have not seen any outsiders since the war started. Everyone is afraid to come”

We pulled into the city that has been hit by missiles and drones almost daily. The band set up and I was trying to decide if I should hand out animal key chains….we have four street events left.

I felt the Lord nudge me to hand out flowers, so I bought the lady out for $200 US….

We handed out around 1,000 daffodils to folks walking by. The smiles were amazing.

The best humanitarian aide I have ever bought.

Last Week’s Update…stay connected!

Hope you're having a great week. Here's the note from Saturday's Easter Street Church service

  • Logistics

    • Served: ~70

    • Last week's leaders: Kenny, Jody

    • Next week's leaders: Joy, Jody 

    • Next week's preacher: Pastor Clark (Valley Brook)


    • Last week's: hygiene

    • Next week's: socks

    Looking Ahead

    • A BIG THANK YOU to our brothers and sisters at Valley Brook who are stepping in to help this week with muscle at U-Haul, and servant hands and preaching downtown. We are truly blessed to have a wonderful community.


    What a joyful day it was! Wenda and Geoff G helped out at storage, but thankfully we didn't have too much to do because the Cupits packed 75 lunches and brought them downtown. So we sorted all of the razors into ziploc baggies of 5 each. 

    We had a small crew downtown to start. City Hall had early voting, so we set-up everything on the right-hand side, leaving the entire left-hand side open and clear for people to get in-and-out of the building. It was windy, so we didn't set up the tents, and that was okay.

    We had a great crowd showup today and everyone was so invested in the service. When someone got up to read (we had Eric, Franklin, Isis, and Al) everyone was applauding and paying attention. It was really cool to witness. Big Sam led us in prayer for Bryan. The Lord gave me a message about how the Kingdom of Heaven is here and now, not some distant place. Afterwards, we had times of prayer, and Joe came up and sang a hymn. 

    We gave out hygiene today. People were in great spirits, and it was fun to be there. Benson showed up at the end; it was great to see him! Jody helped me unload at UHaul which I'm very thankful for.

He is Risen!


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The Community Church at Brookdale

The Community Church at Brookdale/Chatfield

The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale/Chatfield

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The Gables Community Church

The River Ridge Community Church

The West Hartford Health and Rehab Community Church




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