Looking Back at 2023

Looking at 2023…God was true…

“And Jesus looked at them and said, “with man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible…”

                                                                                        Matthew 19:26

I pulled off the highway on my way home from the movement of God at Asbury University, dropped to my knees in the dirt, and with the traffic rushing by closed my eyes and rededicated my life and soul to God. 

A few days later, my family and I were released from Church Army, USA and left with nothing but God, two storage units full of basic needs, and all of you …but God is more than we can ever ask for or imagine. As we draw to a close on 2023, I want to look back with you all who have been apprenticing with Jesus with us, and marvel at what He has done. 

In the days immediately following the parting ways with Church Army, our friends at Faith 2 Faith took us in as our fiduciary benefactor, graciously processing all your donations and giving us accountability. Funding came in so that we did not miss a single meal, or sock, or razor, or sports bra for the homeless. Our board is formed and within the year The Street Church will be its own 501(c)3. They are all passionate follower of Jesus. 

Our nursing home work with the widows and orphans grew to reach six separate facilities with a total of seven programs reaching over 100 monthly. We rejoiced as both residents and staff came to saving faiths with Jesus, helped some die a holy death, and gave hope to all. 

I traveled to Togo, West Africa with Converge Network to learn first-hand about church planting and discipleship in communities afflicted by the same spiritual warfare as ours on the street. 

In the Spring I traveled to Poland and was honored to be the speaker at Ostrada camp where God moved powerfully among Polish and Ukrainian youth.  Several came to faith and were healed from bondage. 

The Street Church welcomed more church partners and friends into the ongoing work as we lived among the marginalized and outcast. Leadership is now power-neutral as formerly homeless and addicted are on our team. Thousands of meals were served along with as many conversations. Many were baptized, a few died, and all were loved. I have just finished training as an addiction recovery coach to help our friends walk the path of freedom effectively. 

We empowered and set fire to the youth ,preaching at school chapels on several occasions, hosting day-long mission trips, and partnering with summer mission teams. 

I went into war-torn Ukraine with a simple message; “You are loved and not forgotten.” I met the most heroic men and women who valued others more than their own lives, giving fearlessly because Jesus set them free. 

The year is closing out and we who are blessed to be on the front of this movement are not the same. God did what only he could have done with the likes of us, and he will continue to do more than we can ask or imagine in the coming year. Join us in person, in prayer, and in funding in a very simple way.  I am asking you to join us and support our work and my family with a small gift of $25 per month, and ask that you share the work and find a friend to do the same. Donations may be made at thestreetchurch.org

Let’s watch God do than we could ever ask or imagine together. 

                                                                                                                   Merry Christmas my beloveds, 


Last Week’s Update…stay connected!

Hi family (from Bryan)


  • Served: ~70

  • Last week's leaders: Kenny, Bryan

  • Next week's leaders:  Bryan and The Bywaters

  • Next week's preacher: Bryan


  • Last week's:Hygine

  • Next week's: gift bags, duffle bags

Looking Ahead



Keeping this short…

As usual, amazing day. God continues to open hearts and allow meaningful, life-altering relationships between us all.

love to all


The Brookdale Community Church

The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale

The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale/Chatfield

The Farmington Station Community Church

The Gables Community Church

The River Ridge Community Church

The West Hartford Health and Rehab Community Church




Help Us Load Up @ 10am 164 South Street in West Hartford

visit our website thestreetchurch.org to learn more

or feel free to contact us at admin@thestreetchurch.org

Street Church Administrator & Volunteer Coordinator
(860) 578-2961 TEXT ONLY