Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Psalm 107:1
I have this little sign eye-level on my desk as a reminder to give thanks to God in and for all things. This week, I would like to share my thanks for you all, in particular for your patronage of my family and I as we Shepard the flock that nobody wants…
God is the provider of all things, but his benevolence needs more than hands and feet, He needs transformed hearts and Spirit-Baptized vessels he can entrust with his riches…. and those people are you.
I am thankful to you patrons who selflessly give from your purses to help us care for the people in body, mind and spirit…and to care for my family and I as we do so.
I am thankful to our patron churches who give out of their purses to care for a church who is dependent upon the body.
I am thankful for you family who become fools with us, worshipping our Living God in the midst of the world, unified in the Holy Spirit…and willing to suffer and give of your time to love the outcast.
I am thankful for the Prayer Patrons who contend for us in the Heavenly Spaces. Without you we could not stand.
To be honest, “fund raising” is very difficult for me and many others…but I am thankful that it is a way God keeps me in line with His dream for me and through me. I am thankful it keeps me humble and dependent upon a kind and loving God and for you whom He trusts…
I pray He does the same for you, as you forsake things of this world to give towards heavenly treasure. Everything visible in the entire universe with fade away…but the things of Heaven will outlast time.
You are not donors, you are the Patrons whom God ordained to care for this movement. Thank you beloveds.
Bryan, Lisa, Olivia, Hannah, and the entire Street Church Family
Last Week’s Update…stay connected!
Hey fam (from Kenny),
The rain gave way to sun, and we had a lovely day downtown!
Served: ~80
Last week's leaders: Bryan, Kenny, Curtis, Jody
Next week's leaders: Kenny
Next week's preacher: Kenny
Last week's: socks
Next week's: hygiene
Looking Ahead
All of the lunches are taken care of for next week thanks to Louise!
I'm out for 5 weeks starting May 4. If people can sign up to help Bryan, that'd be great.
What a glorious day! Bryan and I met Sue at U-Haul. She had all the lunches packed and ready to go (thanks to her son Loren and his friends). She was in good spirits [thanks to God as she continues Chemotherapy]. Continue to pray for her.
We met a great crew downtown and it continued to grow bigger throughout the service. We had folks from so many churches join us: Wintonbury, Vox, Hillside... I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting. What a joy they were! [even thought their leaders could not make it].
Matt Westland (formerly of UConn Cru) also showed up and brought his friend, his friend's brother, and his friend's brother's friend (follow all that? ). They were in town to see one of their siblings run track and afterwards Matt brought them all down to Street Church. Discipleship at its finest. How cool is that?!
The sun came out and we had a beautiful service with readings from Liz, Qusharia, Crystal, Neal and Al. We prayed over one of our brother's who was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I was able to give a message about the power of light over darkness. A lot of folks went into a time of prayer, followed by communion from Michael and Isis, and we finished with a great time of lunch (Shoutout to Joy for the amazing baked Ziti!) and gave out socks.
We had one very drunk guy who was present most of service [who had an unfortunate interaction with another. It was quickly handled without further disruption but let me remind you all that sexual harassment of any kind is not tolerated in the Kingdom of God and speak to a leader if it occurs]
We had a lady with a cross stop by at the end of service. She said God saved her 30 years ago and she's going around to every state, taking up her cross as Jesus commanded. We prayed with her. I'm glad we were able to encourage one another.
I hope you all have a blessed week!
..from the Community Churches…
We held our second gathering at one of our new community churches. We were set up in an out of the way room near the laundry, around a corner, and with no sign. It felt like going to an AA meeting to be honest….but a few folks found us.
“I wish there were more people! I’m so sorry!”
“that’s ok, God has everyone here He called” I assured my friend.
So the Spirit moved me to share about my trip, and that led to my testimony and that led to Him falling a little group, in a little basement, in a little room…
…and big questions were asked of big life concerns of our Big God…
“thanks for letting us talk, we can’t ask these questions upstairs during happy hour. I just want to know how we can remain calm in the midst of a world that is getting more and more chaotic by the day”
“trust Jesus…Trust in the Lord with all your might and lean not on your own understanding…. and then we went in the re-enactment of the Great Rescue Plan”
The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale
The Community Church at Brookdale
The Community Church at Brookdale/Chatfield
The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale/Chatfield
The Farmington Station Community Church
The Gables Community Church
The River Ridge Community Church
The West Hartford Health and Rehab Community Church
Help Us Load Up @ 10am 164 South Street in West Hartford
visit our website to learn more
or feel free to contact us at
Street Church Administrator & Volunteer Coordinator
(860) 578-2961 TEXT ONLY