The Amazing Fellowship of Believers

All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. 

They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Acts 2:42-47

In AA there are no “requirements” to be a member, only a desire to get sober… I am reminded all the time of Street Church… there are no “requirements” here either, only a desire to love Jesus and expand the Kingdom…

Jesus said he was the gate (john 10:7)… the only way to get to the Father…and it is narrow and few find it (Matthew 7:13-14)… yet God’s will is that NONE perish (2 Peter 3:9).

The gate is not locked. It was opened through the cross (Col 1:20) , and it is found by those who follow the voice of Jesus calling them in (John 10:27)

I praise God for this fellowship of Believers…home groups from VOX, 180 Life Church, and my 85 yo widowed mom…putting all things in common.


Last Week’s Update…stay connected!

Hey family! 

 Amazing day downtown!!!!


  • Served: 70 (we used the counter)

  • Last week's leaders: Bryan, Julia, Curtis, Jody, Chino,

  • Next week's leaders: Bryan, Faith 

  • Next week's preacher: Bryan


  • Last week's: underwear

  • Next week's: hygiene 

Looking Ahead

  • 180 life church is covering all food this week. I shared there Sunday. That place is LIT! Josh is walking in the Spirit. 

  • I was solo packing again unti Jody came. We are expecting a group from 180 Life Church this week. Sign up below


  • Please pray and welcome Laura Gregory this summer as she joins us for a volunteer internship! Laura is a Freshman at Gordon College and want to experience, hear, and learn how to walk by faith in life and vocation. Praise God!


It’s always nice when the weather is perfect! Ciana came with her small group from VOX. These ladies were simply amazing. It was a spiritually powerful day. When I pulled up there were three Jehovah’s Witnesses with their brochure rack set up close to where our lunch line starts. We just circled up and I shared a little about how the JW’s deny the deity of Jesus and set up. They stuck around thinking they could work some kind of crowd until I started preaching…they pulled up and left. 

Two mormon’s also came through thinking they could work the crowd. I asked them a few questions I knew the answers two regarding Jesus’s forgiveness and they left frustrated. Crystal offered the iced tea but they refused. 

I spoke a bit about both of those cults during my sermon since our friends wee them often and I wanted them to understand the truth. 

We had lots of regulars there, Bob was back, and Jess too. One of the ladies (I forget her name) had her baby at 1.5 pounds and she made it and continues to thrive. I had her share her story. Pray for Bobby who was not feeling well, and Areleene who is still in pain, Remember Sue as she continues to press into God during her battle with cancer.

I tried something new and it worked really well. I asked everyone to gather into a large circle while I preached and they did with me in the center. I was then able to have them pray with the folks they were standing with…then called them back to the  circle for commumion. Everyone was already there so it was a huge line. Let’s try this again this week. You guys can help!

Pretty deep prayers for some. 

A great day for sure!

.from the Community Churches…

This photo of two ladies whom God used to form me and my ministry popped up the other day.

The lady on my right is Dot, the woman on my left is Rose

Dot grew up on a farm and raised Alpacas before she dementia took its toll. Her face and smile spoke volumes to me over the years…she was non-verbal.

Rose grew up Jewish, and came to faith with us one day…and she was non-verbal too until she proclaimed “I love Jesus”.

Rose and Dot. Children of God.

Join me in giving thanks to two new folks joining me for community church! Joy Faith, who is a dedicated woman of faith at Street Church, and Olivia Wallace, who has been with us for years but whose work has not allowed her open Saturdays!

The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale

The Community Church at Brookdale

The Community Church at Brookdale/Chatfield

The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale/Chatfield

The Farmington Station Community Church

The Gables Community Church

The River Ridge Community Church

The West Hartford Health and Rehab Community Church




Help Us Load Up @ 10am 164 South Street in West Hartford

visit our website to learn more

or feel free to contact us at

Street Church Administrator & Volunteer Coordinator
(860) 578-2961 TEXT ONLY