"We don't have any volunteers, just family"

In Christ’s family there can be no division into Jew and non-Jew, slave and free, male and female. Among us you are all equal. That is, we are all in a common relationship with Jesus Christ. Also, since you are Christ’s family, then you are Abraham’s famous “descendant,” heirs according to the covenant promises.

Galatians 3:28-29 (The Message Translation)

I asked Andrew to pray for Kevin. Andrew is from Valley Brook and in a wheel chair and Kevin is living in the warming shelter with his live in trash bag attached to his wheel chair.

Clark preached from James on God’s warning to show partiality in the church and at that moment the woman whom I had been talking too before the service grinned and wept as she was sharing that was the reason her mom pulled her from church when she was seven…

and Maria, a.k.a. “Mommy” gave her testimony in broken english on her love for God’s provision and protection as she was hit by a car, then later a motorcycle a few months after she had heart surgery.

This is what a priesthood of all believers looks like. One of the folks who came down said as we were setting up “we have a problem! We had more volunteers than folks to help!” to which I replied…”what do you mean? We don’t have any volunteers here, just family”

Last Week’s Update…stay connected!

  • Served: ~75

  • Last week's leaders: Bryan, Kenny, Chino, Curtis

  • Next week's leaders: Bryan, Kenny 

  • Next week's preacher: Kenny


  • Last week's: hygiene

  • Next week's: underwear 

Looking Ahead 

  • A family has donated 100 Chik-fila sandwiches for Saturday!


  • Prayers for Jeff as he prepares to undergo very intensive stem cell treatment

  • Prayers for Sue as she's in Hartford Hospital fighting pancreatic cancer


Fantastic day today. We had the Valley Brook men's group help at UHaul. They brought all of the food and packed it all in 10 minutes! A Christian friend who has a unit near us was there as well, and when the men's group came, she exclaimed, "I know that guy!" She opened the door and yells, "I know you, you're Jesus!" (One of the guys played Jesus in Avon Valley's "The Gift"). Rob chuckled and said "Only at Street Church do you roll up to Jesus in the parking lot." It set the tone for the morning which was great. We were done by 10:45 and had 20 minutes of solid fellowship in the parking lot.

Service downtown was lovely too. We had so many people come help today: mainly folks from 180 Life's Young Adults group and the men's group from Valley Brook, along with some people from Vox who came on their own. 

Pastor Clark from Valley Brook gave the message on forbidding favoritism - James 2. It was well received as people listened intently. Puerto Rican Momma gave a testimony of how she was hit by a car and motorcycle but survived! We had a great time of prayer, including laying hands on brother Jeff as he goes into isolation before his stem cell transplant. We also prayed for Sue.

We handed out hygiene along with the food. Rob's sister had the turkey bean chili and it was DELICIOUS! Everybody kept asking "who made this?" because it was so good. We were blessed by her gift. 

Have a wonderful week!

Community Church updates!

One of our services fell on Ash Wednesday this year, and even though I am no longer an Anglican Priest, the community I serve appreciates ashes as a devotional aid while we slowly walk to the cross on Good Friday before we run from the empty tomb of Easter day.

Sadly, my service was interrupted by another clergyman brining  ashes and communion to people of his church.

I have never seen the Body of Christ become so dismembered in all my life. it was palpable.

Thankfully, God softened and broke my heart, and love fell upon us all. Jesus died for his wounded Bride. May we seek unity through the power of the Holy Spirit…and may we do so humbly under the headship of the Godhead

The Brookdale Community Church

The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale

The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale/Chatfield

The Farmington Station Community Church

The Gables Community Church

The River Ridge Community Church

The West Hartford Health and Rehab Community Church




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