“Come,” he replied, “and you will see.”
So they went and saw where he was staying, and they spent that day with him.
It was about four in the afternoon.
Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ).
John 1:39-41
“Ed - a gentleman I met on a flight last month who lives in West Hartford and attends St. Thomas - met us downtown for the first time.
He was blown away by the operation (and the move of the Lord)!…”
If you are reading this, you have most likely witnessed first-hand what Ed saw and I would lay my last dollar down to bet that you also experienced what he did;
…. you thought you went to fix a broken Earth,
and instead you encountered Heaven…
…and that’s ok, we all started out that way, even me. God knew what He was doing when He moved Kenny to speak to Ed on that plane and He used the Holy Spirit to draw him in…. that’s how it worked with all of us.
Last Week’s Update…stay connected!
Hey fam,
Hope you all had a good Father’s Day.
Served: ~55
Last week's leaders: Kenny, Chino. Joy, Malaree
Last week's: socks
Next week's: underwear
Looking Ahead
Nobody is signed up for food or volunteer next week. If you're around to help, let us know!
Sign up to help lead future weeks here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I5Az8m4xrEJq5CS5jud6pmCNl30pdOq6B-6Lfz19Igg/edit?pli=1#gid=0)
Another wonderful day at Street Church! I had JT - a youth minister at South United Methodist Church - help pack with two of his high school kids. We got done early, so I asked them what God is doing in their lives…
We had a small but mighty crew downtown. Ed - a gentleman I met on a flight last month who lives in West Hartford and attends St. Thomas - met us downtown for the first time. He was blown away by the operation (and the move of the Lord)! We also had a few people from Vox, Emerson and her mom (and dad!) along with Geoff, plus Malaree, Joy, and Sean. We also had a mom and her two teenage kids drive up all the way from Bridgeport! They had come with the Hartford Project two years ago and wanted to come back. I talked to her college-aged son Pablo, and he said he wants to come back with his friends. So cool!
We set up shop - there was such an adorable moment where Sean and Emerson, two elementary kids - took a tent and were setting it up by themselves. I love the spirit of the kids. They then played cornhole together and JT joined in. We had a peaceful few minutes to sit and chat with people. There was a lady who was bent over and struggling greatly. Malaree checked on her - turned out she had a bad back and metal rods in her legs but she wasn't high. We got her a drink and she found a good place to relax.
The Lord gave me a wonderful message about our innate desire to feel loved, wanted and accepted. Several people said it spoke to them, so I'm thankful He used me as a vessel.
We had a great time of prayer and communion. So many people lined up for communion before lunches! It was great to see. There was a bit of a commotion because someone found a huge box turtle in the fountain . I guess someone dumped it in there unfortunately. We didn't really know what to do with it. Poor thing was so scared. Someone ended up taking it in a box and bringing it to the river. Hopefully that was the right move.
Such a bright, fun, peaceful day. Hope you all enjoy your weekends!
..from the Community Churches…
“….I was her "‘practice’ grandaughter…”
Repeat them again and again to your children.
Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road,
when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.
Deut 6:7
…and so it was that “Laura-the-Intern” preached her first message as “Mary the practice grandma” sat and listened then they both went out together to Feed the Lambs of God that had been left and abandoned…
and I just sat there lost in wonder, love, and praise as these two fulfilled the Great Commission… very old friends…both madly in love with Jesus…
The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale
The Community Church at Brookdale
The Community Church at Brookdale/Chatfield
The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale/Chatfield
The Farmington Station Community Church
The Gables Community Church
The River Ridge Community Church
The West Hartford Health and Rehab Community Church
Help Us Load Up @ 10am 164 South Street in West Hartford
visit our website thestreetchurch.org to learn more
or feel free to contact us at
Street Church Administrator & Volunteer Coordinator
(860) 578-2961 TEXT ONLY