“Write these commandments that I’ve given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children.
Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night.
Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates.”
Deuteronomy 6:4-7 (Message Translation)
Have you ever seen an Orthodox Jew in an airport wearing leather boxes strapped to their foreheads and arm? These are tefellin and their use dates back a long time. The idea is that by keeping God’s law before your eyes you will be less likely to break the commandment.
When the first missionaries gave God’s Word to the people in parts of Africa, they complained they were left defenseless after they took away their spears so they cut the Bibles up and put them into little satchels around their necks like the curses the witchdoctor would do.
Modern equivalents would be teeshirts with verses or tattoos.
(NB I am not against ink)
All these methods, even Scripture memorization cannot get the commands onto your heart and into your soul. God’s Kingdom Rule must be integrated into your everyday life. This does not mean you only need to have a Scripture ready to pull out and offer, it means to talk about the character and nature of God, how it applies to your life, how to respond…
God was very clear to me when I began to craft His dream downtown…
“make it place where children can see and live out their apprenticeship with me”
It has been an honor and a joy watching families doing just that.
Last Week’s Update…stay connected!
Numbers and stuff
Served: 80+
Leaders: Bryan, Cynthia
Preacher: Bryan
socks and ponchos
Looking Ahead Prayer Requests/praises
Pray for or “champion”, Natalie, who is in the hospital with breathing issues
Bryan will be in Ukraine October 6th-17th
Pray for Kenny leading
Street Church Worship
(from Bryan)
We started off small and intimate and I was thankful. I had made a picture collage of Thomas and laminated it and passed it around the gathered circle. Eyes looked, then eyebrows raised as everyone remembered who it was that had died…
I took the time to remind everyone that that Street Church is similar to a 12 Step community in that there is no judgment as we are all broken, and when there is a falling off there is no need for fear or embarrassment to admit it. We prayed for “T’s” family, for Eric, and for us all as we grieve with Hope, not like those who do not know God do.
Ronny and his wife Claree are headed to Florida as she has gotten into a program to try and correct her neurological disorder. Please keep them in prayer.
It was as always a Spirit-filled day, but God seemed to impress upon us all the discipleship that happens here as Big Sam stood over his little girl as she colored the sidewalk…his wife with their baby strapped to her chest as she prayed over a very broken woman… a new volunteer from Vox joined right it with her little boy helping read, and the ever-present Cupit Gang was there en force…
as I write this I am waiting for my friend who planted and pastors The River Church in Glastonbury to confirm dates with their girl’s ministry leader to meet and discuss having them come along downtown.
I say it often…I do not know when I will die. None of us do. I urge you to not teach your kids simply scripture memorization…Jesus told us even the demons know that…but they can never be His apprentices. Teach them well.
Blessings! See you when I get back, Lord willing!
Community Church updates!
The Brookdale Community Church
The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale
The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale/Chatfield
The Farmington Station Community Church
The Gables Community Church
The River Ridge Community Church
The West Hartford Health and Rehab Community Church
Help Us Load Up @ 10am 164 South Street in West Hartford
visit our website thestreetchurch.org to learn more
or feel free to contact us at
Street Church Administrator & Volunteer Coordinator
(860) 578-2961 TEXT ONLY