From Bryan at the Lausanne Conference in Seoul, South Korea

“Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are…”

I am here for all of us….

The misfits, outcast, ordinary, non-achievers, survivors, redeemed liars and cheats, adulterers and addicts…

The destitute and the prostitutes. The failures and the flail-ers…and the wiped-out, wiped-down, whipped and wasted.

We are the ones Jesus came for.

I am telling everyone I meet about you, and what God is doing and you are encouraging believers in Tamar, and India, Mexico and Japan…

I miss you all.

~ Bryan

Last Week’s Update…stay connected!


  • Served: ~65-70

  • Last week's leaders: Geoff, Joy

  • Next week's leaders: Jody, Joy

  • Next week's preacher: Crystal


  • Last week's: socks

  • Next week's: underwear

Looking Ahead


  • Bryan is still in Seoul. Pray for a soul-fulfilling time

  • Pray for the Jacobs family

Service (From Joy)

Jeff and his daughter / grand daughter started off the van load and me & Sean jumped in after Sean’s appt . The lunches pre made was a huge time saver.

 Myself and Sean grabbed the ice tea and ice so Jeff could head straight down. We had ppl waiting to volunteer downtown: Cupits, Charlie, Isis, and another woman (sorry forget her name) that hasn’t been around for 5 months to volunteer (her child was from Cornerstone School). 

Sandwiches and all the fruit came downtown.

The day went very nice. There were small intimate moments with conversations with multiple volunteers and leaders where God showed up and ministered to people. We kindly reminded people before we started readings that if anyone wanted drinks or snacks to jump in line now because once we start reading the word the drinks and snack table would shut down for a bit. We had to do a second reminder once service started then Jeff went to the table to shut it down. (Side note I think the people going to the table after service starts are ppl that are just coming in not hearing the direction about table shutting down; I’ll make an English sign and Spanish sign for the coffee table and see it this might help. It might seem minor to some but if we show reverence and show respect the word deserves and leading by example).

Readings went well. Susan started pacing during the second reading and during the third it was notably turning into a anxious fast pace so I softly took her by the hand, grabbed a water for her, and went to sit with her. She said, ‘Sorry I get racing thoughts and it gets out of control.’ I told her no need to say sorry, I’m just making sure you're okay. I taught her deep breathing and a way to shut down intrusive thoughts is to listen to nature, wind blowing leaves rustling. She was still tapping so I said let’s replace those thoughts with God’s words and I led her in the our father … she calmed right down. Thank you Jesus ! 

Jeff ended up reminding us during his message of how far Jesus’s love goes, using Mark 14 as an example, specifically about Peter… how Jesus asked him to stay watch when he prayed and he fell asleep, how he slashed the soldiers ear, how he denied Jesus 3 times as they dragged Jesus to whip, beat and crucify him. Yet Jesus still love and forgave him Jesus’s patience and love for us goes way beyond our comprehension and if we just go to Jesus we could be forgiven too and Jesus loves us just the same . 

The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale

The Community Church at Brookdale

The Community Church at Brookdale/Chatfield

The Clairbridge Community Church @ Brookdale/Chatfield

The Farmington Station Community Church

The Gables Community Church

The River Ridge Community Church

The West Hartford Health and Rehab Community Church




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